10:00 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. v Agnes M. Schmidt and Heirs and Devisees of the Estate of Agnes M Schmidt and Marvin L Schmidt, as Personal Representative of the Estate of Agnes M Schmidt, and any person in possession. Property Address: 11 6th St NE, Watertown, SD 10:15 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. vs Michael A Hoover and Renee A Hoover and AAA Collections, Inc and Joy C. Nelson, IRA and State of South Dakota, Dept of Revenue , and any person in possession. Property Address: 105 4th Ave NW, Watertown, SD Sale Canceled by Creditor on 7/6/21
2021-05-21 Mortgage Foreclosure Sale
10:00 a.m. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., v Michael A Hoover and Renee A Hoover and AAA Collections, Inc. and Joy C Nelson, IRA and State of South Dakota, Department of Revenue, and any person in possession. Property located at 105 4th Ave NW, Watertown, SD Sale Cancelled by creditor on 5/19/21
2021-02-18 Execution Sale
9:00 a.m.: AAA Collections vs Jayne Lynn Benson selling: 2006 Toyota Sienna Van: VIN# 5TDZA23C96S442268. Sale will be held at Codington County Extension Building 1910 W Kemp (West parking lot).
2021-03-17 Mortgage Foreclosure Sales
10:00: U.S. Bank National Association vs Karen A Mooney and Robert P Mooney and AAA Collections, Inc. and Brookwood Loans of South Dakota, LLC and Credico, Inc. d/b/a Credit Collections Bureau and Rushmore Service Center, LLC, and any person in possession. Property Address: 140 17th St NE, Watertown, SD Sale cancelled by creditor
2021-03-03 Mortgage Foreclosure Sales
10:00 Deutsche Bank National Trust Company as Trustee for American Home Mortgage Assets Trust 2007-1 Mortgage-Backed Pass-Through Certificates Series 2007-1 vs Todd Rorvick et al. Property Address 409 8th St SE, Watertown, SD SALE CANCELLED 1/25/21