10:00am PennyMac Loan Services, LLC vs. Holly N. Jensen and Mark A. Jensen, and any person in possession. Property located at 418 N Park St. Watertown, SD 57201. Sale Canceled by Creditor 11/09/2022.
10:30am Beverly Scriver and Ryan Scriver vs. Holly Brown; Sharp Automotive Inc.; The United States of America, Acting Through the Internal Revenue Service, United States Department of Treasury; AAA Collections Inc.; Business Collection Agency; State of South Dakota, Department of Revenue; and Codington County, South Dakota. Property located at 805 4th St NE, Watertown, SD 57201.
The Codington County Sheriff’s Office is a full-service office providing Civil Process, Detention, Warrant Service and Law Enforcement services for the 700 square miles that make up Codington County, as well as the municipalities of Florence, Wallace, South Shore, Henry, Kranzburg and the village of Waverly.